Welcome to
Circular Economy SMEs across Europe
- Are you a pioneer for a Circular Economy?
- Or do you want to find inspiration for your first steps? Please find here a brochure with the good practice SMEs of our journey for download
The EU Action Plan for a Circular Economy has set ambitious goals. Most sectors must transition to completely different and circular business models in the coming years. But some are ahead of the game! Are you?
We have been travelling virtually across Europe to show good practices from SMEs and different sectors. We provide room for exchange on how to become circular and on success factors for a transition. You have been introduced to pioneers and can exchange with like-minded companies on how to overcome the barriers you face. And – fingers crossed – we will hopefully be able to meet in person at the end of our travel in September 2022 at the Circular Economy Hotspot in Bottrop, North-Rhine-Westphalia (Germany). The Ruhrgebiet area has strongly been affected by the energy transition. Let’s take this as an example and face the next transformation process together.
Travel with us and become part of the community!
Several European regions hosted a series of virtual webinars and workshops for SMEs. Each event focused on a different industry. SMEs from all regions are invited to participate and make use of cross-border networking opportunities.
The website will be available for matching and networking opportunities
until September 2023!
Leaflet Circular Economy SMEs Travel
Organised by