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Circular Economy SMEs across Europe - Good practices Barcelona - Bottrop - Dublin

The ScenCi Game

A playful exploration of circular business models


The ScenCi game was developed as part of a virtual tour across Europe. The tour was showcasing good practices by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) from all sectors covered by the European Circular Economy Action Plan for a transition towards a circular economy. It was organised by the Green Economy Network North Rhine-Westphalia (Germany) and started with the Circular Economy Hotspot in Barcelona (Spain) in 2021. Since then, the tour has stopped in different countries and presented nine circular economy sectors. At each virtual tour stop, up to five SMEs were invited to present their circular business models. An industry film was created, which can be watched on YouTube, and the homepage provides the opportunity to join the network

The Game:

The ScenCi game is based on the good practice examples visited during the tour. It is a multi-player scenario game and allows players to:

  •     learn about existing circular business models,
  •     explore how different circular companies interact with their value chains,
  •     simulate how these value chains perform under different scenarios.

The game is designed for workshops with circular economy professionals, business developers or students who want to learn about business- or sustainability-related topics (bachelor or master level).

To play the ScenCi game you need one moderator who is familiar with the context of circular economy as well as the rules of this game and 4 - 45 players, depending on the number of sectors that you want to work with. The estimated playing time is 2,5 hours.

The ScenCi game material pack (description, scenario cards and circular value chain posters) provides the necessary thematic set-up for the game. Additional materials of your choice (e.g., stones, coffee, berries) are needed to run the game successfully (further information on materials provided below).

Game structure

The ScenCi game consists of three parts that are completed in a consecutive order. In the first part, players are introduced to the circular value chain and first examples are discussed in the plenum. In the second part, the players are divided into smaller groups to explore a sector under three provided scenarios, and for the final part of the game, all groups come back together to discuss their learnings and experience with the game.

Further information is provided here


Closed since 31 October 2023
Organised by
Germany 86
Spain 57
Netherlands 25
Belgium 20
Hungary 18
Switzerland 9
France 8
Sweden 8
Poland 7
Chile 7
Austria 5
Canada 5
United Kingdom 5
Türkiye 5
Portugal 4
Mexico 4
Ireland 3
Norway 3
Brazil 2
Estonia 2
Colombia 2
Slovenia 2
Indonesia 2
Denmark 1
Moldova, Republic Of 1
South Africa 1
Nigeria 1
China 1
Italy 1
Israel 1
India 1
Iran, Islamic Republic Of 1
Morocco 1
Greece 1
Ghana 1
United States 1
Peru 1
El Salvador 1
Argentina 1
Latvia 1
Jamaica 1
Total 307
Company / SME 98
Start-up 56
Other 29
Association/Agency 25
University 25
Authority/Government 25
R&D Institute 25
Large company 23
Total 306
Profile views
Total 2006