Circular Economy in Plastics and Packaging
23 October 2023 11:00-12:00 CET
11:00 Welcome
Welcome and Enterprise Europe Network
Sabrina Wodrich and Jovana Fa Tomic, Project Managers at ZENIT GmbH / NRW Europa, Enterprise Europe Network
11:05 Overview:
Opportunities and Challenges in Circular Plastics
Ulas Can Kara, Project Manager, Kunststoffland NRW, Germany
Transforming the Packaging Industry: An Overview of Circular Innovation with the Packaging Cluster
Mercè Gorina Pradas, Sustainability Project Manager, Packaging Cluster, Catalonia,
SUPPORTING THE CIRCULARITY OF PACKAGING - Things you wish you knew earlier (recyclability of packaging within the circular economy and theEuropean Green Deal strategy)
Consuelo Giordani, Managing Director of Ecol Studio Consulting AB, Sweden and consultant for product safety and compliance of food contact materials and articles. Member of Packbridge and in the steering group of Fempack
11:35 Good practices and opportunities from North Rhine-Westphalian SMEs
Reusable Packaging for Shipping
Mathias Thesing, Rhinopaq – sustainable packaging solutions, Germany
FARMfill® - biodegradable packaging solution”
Klaus Schuppen, Managing Director, Loick Biowertstoff GmbH
Technology Request – Reusable shipping boxes for bottles
Johannes Siirak, Jean Jartin GmbH
12:00 Summary and good bye

Circular Week is a nationwide educational campaign about circular economy, sustainable production and consumption.
Circular Week will take place for the 6th time from 23rd till 29th October in Warsaw and be an umbrella for events online and all over Europe. Participants can join events dedicated to Circular Economy transformation and sustainable production and consumption. Each day of the Circular Week will be dedicated to different topic.
We will take the opportunity to present this webinar on 23 October 2023, the day dedicated to Packaging, Chemicals and Plastics.
It should give an insight about latest developments and spotlight good practices of European SMEs.